Photo: This is a photo of our prototype poster for our film ASH WEDNESDAY: CAPITULO UNUS. Thanks to Hector Hernandez for getting this done in a VERY impressive manner.
WHOA, what a tumultuous weekend, to say the least...
Friday, after shuffling last-minute stuff, we finally made it to the interview at the Alamo Drafthouse (Thanx to Brandon at the Drafthouse)...
Renzo and Wilton from AIM-TV began to shell out questions as we so eloquently responded.
The interview was great, but will not be seen until April, closer to the film's release.
Special thanks goes to Hector Hernandez for setting up everything and making sure everything ran smoothly...
After our interview we saw Apolcalypto, and it was very cool... Roger was even drooling throughout the whole film... jajajajajajja
On Saturday we re-shot some stuff with main actress Eva Akashi.
This time it was incredibly cold, so it was not easy to shoot summer scenes in the cold... but we did get some VERY incredible footage, that enhances the film on so many levels.
Everything went smoothly and now the rough cut looks so much better... :-D
ALSO we voiced a lot of stuff including some ADR, and other narrations...
That same night Gabino Portes came in from San Antonio as well, and viewed the rough cut, and was impressed by the message and the look of the film...
He understood completely the concept, little details embedded in the film,
PLUS he understood the characters and their motive for their actions...
THAT was very important for us, and very rewarding to hear someone say that the movie has a lot of significance and meaning... very cool...
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