Photo: Our lovely Mom, DIANA Mendoza (Bday gal), Rik and my other sis' Luana Mendoza at the Premiere of Escape De Los Santos (Dec. 2005)
Happy Birthday to my sister Diana!
She is celebrating her 19th year on planet earth! WOW!
Congrats, we miss you and hope you have a hell of a day!
I'll see you soon!

Photo: Hector, QT and me-self.
AND Happy Belated Birthday to our Agent and friend Hector Hernandez...
I really need to compile a birthday list! I am the worst when it comes to Birthdays!!!
ANYWAYS... HAPPY B-B-day! his birthday WAS on the 15th... :-o
AND, just to let our friends know, (so they won't feel like idiots later on... :-) MY Bday is on the 21st...
Thank you!!! miss you lots too and hope to see you very soon! ah! you're almost 30!!! jaja.. love you! =D
happy belated birthday to hector!!! snifffff, and to Diana have a great day!
Thanks Paco! Snifffff!!!!!!!
Happy Belated Diana!
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