When I was first contacted by our current distributor Venevision International, they told me their plan of having El Escape at Wal-Marts at a low price of 10 bucks a pop...
I thought it was too good to be true, because at the time I was being rejected by all of the important film festivals...
HOWEVER, after 13 months, their plan has finally come to fruition, which is really cool for us... not financially (boo-hoo), but it serves as a chance for Digital Work Studios to be a serious and established film company for many years to come...

On Ash news the picture above shows the remnants of our fake blood... We finished 3 little bottles and this 32oz. bottle of fake blood throughout production of Ash Wednesday which started July 1, 2006...
When we ran out of professional fake blood, on our last shoot, we used a mixture of syrup, red food coloring, cofee and flour to make a blood-like substance... YUMMMMMMM
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