Photo: Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu after the screening for BABEL
Yesterday, we went on a special trip to Austin to enjoy a screening.
The title of the moving pictures that flashed upon us was BABEL made by the incredible Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu.
Like true fanboys, ME, Alonso, Paco and Barco... we trekked all the way to Austin and got there at 4pm... THE SCREENING WAS AT 7:30pm!
We waited, we waited, we went to bathroom a couple of times and we waited some more...
When we finally went into the theatre, no one knew who the hell was the Director, or anything about the movie, it seemed that many people went because it was a FREE screening... but whatever...
The lights went down and the projector initiated to display the film.
I was enjoying every 24 frames that passed every second, I hate that we HAVE to blink, but s**t, what can I do...
The movie ended, and WOW!
It was great and beautiful... Everything was there: The shots, the story, the emotion, THE CLOSEUPS! Incredible!
After that, the Director Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu came out for a Q & A session, he answered everything from how he started out, to, that it took him 2 days to film a white pussycat... very entertaining... and very informative...
I was in AWE, because ever since I saw Amores Perros I was inspired to make films, so I felt like I was watching Mr. Myagi beat the s**t out of the bad guys... MASTER!
One of the things that I got from him, was the similarities that we share. (not comparing, of course)
We don't storyboard. we shoot what feels right at the moment, and we respect and trust everyone who is working in the movie.
Of course, we all have different styles of doing everything, but in the end I am glad that he showed a certain humbleness... Not a god-like figure that some pretentious directors tend to get.
And I think, that's what makes it inspiring, because you feel if HE can do it, I can do it...
BABEL Trailer:
If you want to be understood... LISTEN....
OOOOOOH, and as you can see, my fanboy self was busy, so no progress was made on ASH WEDNESDAY, but I'll make up for it today! YEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH
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