Saturday, July 21, 2007

Inside DWS

OK here's the TV special we made for the local media in Eagle Pass Texas...
The show is in Español... It aired on TVAW channel 20 from July 16 - 27 at 4:30pm.

The show's main goal is to portray the behind the camera's process of the making and distribution of our two films EL ESCAPE DE LOS SANTOS and ASH WEDNESDAY: CAPITULO UNUS...

Special Thanks to our sponsors:
Here's the direct link to the show:

Thanks and enjoy!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

210sa Article

This picture was taken a while ago, I think like in February 2006... by Delicia Lopez in the West side of San Antonio...
The camera pictured was my ol' trusty DVX100. We filmed EL ESCAPE with it. It was Priceless. Not on eBay... It sold for $2500 (approx.) jajajajjaaj but I upgraded to a HD HVX200 which is much, much better...

I have been really bad about posting stuff that has been printed about us and our movie... But here's an interesting article fresh off the wires... jajajajaja

210sa is a new crazy news magazine that the San Antonio Express-News is putting out, and it just has been out for some months now, and it is a really interesting read, BUT this weeks' is especially exquisite and a joy to read because it talks about US!
How self-indulgent... jejejeje
Here's an excerpt:

Ricardo Mendoza drained his retirement account, worked side jobs and sold some of his belongings on eBay.

All in the name of independent filmmaking.

And now, Mendoza has been rewarded for his efforts, as his film, “Ash Wednesday: Capítulo Unus,” will make its world premiere at the New York International Latino Film Festival on Thursday, July 26. Mendoza, who was born in Piedras Negras, Mexico, and spent part of his childhood in San Antonio, shot the film in Eagle Pass from July 2006 to January 2007 on a budget of about $19,000.

Read the whole article here:

Conexion (which is ALSO a publication of the Express-News) also printed a cool article about ASH... I'll try to scan it and post it on our site...
AND Conexion is printing again (Check out July 25's Conexion), but this time it is more like a Q & A with myself...
Thanks to Melissa Renteria (Conexion) and Clint Hale (210sa) for supporting us and the film...!

Talking about media, TVAW (the local Eagle Pass TV station channel 20) is airing a special called INSIDE Digital Work Studios... it is really cool and it is in Español.... it airs at 4:30pm weekdays from today until July 27...

AND other updates have been printed on the Eagle Pass News Guide...

AND we are hoping to have something really cool show up on WOAI (in S.A.)... but we're still working on stuff so more to come really soon...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Getting ready for battle

Here's the invitations ready to be sent...
They will only be sent out to industry executives... sorry :-(
so don't feel excluded... you can see the invitation in it's full digital glory at
But I can give you an invitation if you see me... jajajajaja

Getting ready for battle!
Sorry about the war metaphors, but that's exactly what we are going to do... We are going into battle.

You must be thinking: The film is done, what is there to do?
AJAAHH! That's where you separate a mediocre artist from a red hot warrior...
We need to go in there and fight for our place...
We will be competing with about 80 films and we need the right people sitting at our screening.
We need distributors, agents, producers etc. to sit there and experience ASH WEDNESDAY with a shocked audience, so they can hear the gasps and the emotion...

I have been frequently asked for some strange reason, if I am nervous???
ummmm no... I don't believe any of us are nervous... The film is done, we had a whole year to make it, and correct it until we were satisfied, and we were.
And now, our mission is to get the right people at the screenings.

I have been swamped with stuff to do, that I barely have time to clean and bathe my puppies...
I made a Parks and Rec show for the City of San Antonio, designed and sent the invitations to print, so now I have to send them out... We also produced a 1 hour TV show (in español) for the local media that include clips from both our movies and other funny anecdotes... I am trying to figure out a way to post it online (because it's ONE hour!), so expect it really soon...

In a way, each of us has an El Guapo to face.
For some, shyness might be their El Guapo.
For others, a lack of education might be their El Guapo.
For us, El Guapo is a big, dangerous man who wants to kill us.
But as sure as my name is Lucky Day, the people of Santa Poco can conquer their own personal El Guapo, who also happens to be "the actual" El Guapo!
Three Amigos (1986)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Live free and work hard...

The New York Premiere is only days away...
If you are attending the event please purchase your tickets today...
These are Hector's Tickets! Please do not mess with these tickets because Gregorio Cazares will go after your arse....!!!!! jajajajajjaa
Get your own tickets here:

From L to R: Paco, Alonso, Lic. Rolando Tamayo, Hector Hernandez and Fred Cisneros... this was shot in the freezing cold (Jan. 2007), thanks to Bass Auto Parts for the location...

We are working arduously to prepare evrything, and there is a million things to do...

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Back to work...

After a 4-day stay, I am back from Los Angeles and back to Eagle Pass...
And now it is time to prepare and concentrate all of our energies into our World Premiere Screening in New York...
We need to prepare the actual digital master for them to play in the theater, invitations, schedule interviews with media, posters and a myriad of other seemingly infinite things to do...
So let's bring it on, and I hope to see you there in NY!
All of the information for the World Premiere is posted here:

Now I have come to the cross-roads in my life - and I knew, without exception, I knew - which path was the right one - but I never took it.
And do you know why? Because It was too damned hard.
Now here's Charlie, he's come to the cross-roads, and he has chosen a path. It's the right path. A path that is made of principle, which leads to character. Now that's the stuff leaders should be made of.
-Scent of a woman (1992)

Sunday, July 01, 2007

A year has passed...

This was the very first thing we shot. Unfortunately, it's not in the film, because we needed a meaner looking dude, and my cousin David Cervantes (pictured here) is just too nice of a guy... jajajajaja
The very first day of shooting CAPITULO UNUS started July 1, 2006.
A year already... WOW...!
That whole month was crazy! And it looks like this month is no different...
The first 15 days of July we filmed a bunch of stuff that didn't even make it in the movie...
The scenes we were filming were mediocre, but we just kept filming until we knew we had what we wanted...
It's funny because I don't think that ANY of us [producers] are perfectionists, except when it comes to making a movie...
Nostalgia... jajajajajajjaja

Well now let's focus on the future...
We are making a special show for the local TV station about both our films and about us in general, it is going to be in Spanish and it will include clips from both films and their trailers along with a never before aired ESCAPE BLOOPERS... The show looks like it's going to be a lot of fun...
If you live in the Eagle Pass area, check it out!
The show will premiere July 16 at 4:30pm (before the local news)...
We'll also post it on our website shortly after...

ALSO, I am going back to L.A., hopefully I'll come back with a lot more better news than last time...

Canta, Mariachi, canta!!
-El Mariachi

So, I'm sitting there. And in walks the biggest Mexican I have ever seen. Big as shit. Just walks right in like he owns the place. And nobody knew quite what to make of him... or quite what to think.