Today we shot (FINALLY!) the ASH shootout.
This shoot had been postponed yesterday, and to be honest I didn't feel like shooting it... I felt it was too difficult to assemble and get everything together, but we just got our act together and clenched our fists and just went through it.
I called J's, I called the cool dudes at the LFD warehouse and we went 12 miles out of Eagle Pass and had one of the bloodiest f******* shootouts... Sometimes it sucks, because you have to self-motivated to do all this stuff... but shit. IF IT WERE EASY. EVERYONE WOULD BE DOING IT.
We shot without Ash, but we'll shoot that tommorow...
Jorge Diaz and other guys from the LFD furniture warehouse helped us out in being Mexican Federales of the AFI agency.
ALSO, special thanks AGAIN to Javier Hernandez from J's Auto Sale's in Eagle Pass...
The shoot included MANY extras for Federal Agents as well as ASH's criminal crew...
Suffice to say that many get killed in a really cool way...
After the shoot, we went back to see dailies and Barco, chato and me were all 'mouthing' with the scenes... sniff.
I cannot wait to see the movie....
ALSO, if you want to see a REALLY cool movie today, rent Running Scared with Paul Walker... It is nothing but COOL non-stop action with a meaningful story.
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