(1) Me and Fred Cisneros (Gregorio Cazares) (2) Me, Calixto Chinchilla & Liz Gardner (Founders/Executive Directors of the Festival), (3) Me& Gaby at the End of Fest Reception in Times Square.
(1) Beatiful view of Manhattan (2) End of Fest After Party (3) Me and Vic at Peter Dillon's
(1) Another cool pic of NY, (2) Vic, Alonso and me at the NY Public Library, (3) Producer Roger D.L.S. with... Roger? jajajajaja
(1) Roger, Vic, Alonso & Paco, (2) Roger, Me, Alonso and Paco (Both pics are from the HBO building at a cool reception after a screening of a documentary called "Recycled Life".
(1) Pax & Pax, (2) No iPod, No Problem! Barco putting on the tunes at Peter Dillon's, (3) Dama and Alonso Wheeler in NYC.
We are back from the BIG APPLE...
Man was that a trip!
We stayed from July 25 until the 30th, and it was a hell of a lot of fun...
Digital Work Studios was in full force and we did our share at seeing films at the New York International Latino Film Festival, as well as visiting the landmarks and the bars around Manhattan...
Our first screening (July 26 at 10:30pm) was not what we expected, as the attendance was low... HOWEVER, some industry people showed up, and liked the movie... so we'll see what happens with that... ;-)
Our 2nd screening (July 28 at 6:15pm) went a LOT better, people were gasping and yelling obscenities at the screen rooting for our heroes and bashing our villans... People who attended told us that you could feel the tension while watching the movie...
I witnessed a lady walk out, and she told the people at front and I quote: "If you want to watch a movie about drugs, rape and torture, go and see Ash Wednesday... It was too much for me..."
What a quote! jajajajaj Although not a positive reaction, but a reaction nonetheless... we already know that this film is not for everyone... you will either LIKE IT (a lot) or HATE IT!... there's no middle ground here... jajajajajajajaja
More industry folks attended the 2nd screening, and liked the film... some audience members even recognized Gregorio Cazares, and snapped up a picture with him...
Dama (who also attended the event) told me that someone told her that they thought that Dama was a real person, and wouldn't think it was an actress... JAJAJAJAJA... she got a kick out of that... she also explained her character to some audience members...
Above everything else the organizers of this festival clearly love movies, and is rooting for the independent, while still getting top-notch sponsors to help us indies find an audience for our movies... We all had a BLAST and I really would like to attend next year's fest, even if we don't have a film in the fest...
Calixto, the festival's founder and leader told me that they LOVED Ash Wednesday, and was really proud to have it at his festival...
There are a sh**load of more pictures that everyone else took, so more pics will be posted soon!
Special thanks to the festival, its organizers, members and volunteers and to the NY people that attended the screening, BUT special, special thanks to our friends who made the pilgrimage to New York in support of ASH:
(in no particular order)
-Chicken Rodriguez, Megan
-Gaby and Ricky M.
-Barbara Del Rio (Dama)
-Susana and Juanita Hernandez
-Adrian, Roger, Paco
-Victor Wheeler
-My Mom and my sistas' Luana and Diana
-Fred Cisneros (Gregorio Cazares)
-Hector Hernandez
-Sonia De Los Santos
-Julio Valdes
I love NY!
Here's a PARTIAL list of my favorite NY movies:
- Scent of a woman
- Ghostbusters
- Devil's advocate
- Unbreakable
- Night at the museum
- Die hard with a vengeance
- Hudson Hawk
- World trade center
- Sidewalks of New York
- Taxi Driver
- The Godfather I and II
- Saturday Night Fever
- The Professional
- and much, much, more... Post a comment with your faves!
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