Barco and Leo reenacting scenes from brokeback mountain in Manhattan beach (notice the factory in tha back and the lack of people... there was a warning sign that said there was increased levels of bacteria... but we didn't care... jajajajajaj)
I don't even remember the last time I posted...
Internet access has been unaccessible and scarce...
Luis and Cruz have been incredible... We've been staying in this small room, clean and nice, yet small... we barely fit our inflatable mattresses...
We spread them out to watch movies and sleep...
We've seen a lot of movies because the weekends are boring...
Also we've been visiting Manhattan beach... It is cool, I mean really cold... I just grab the sun and read... (A Mighty Heart by Mariane Pearl)
The first 2 weeks here we were as I expected... just facing rejection after rejection, between cold-calling and name dropping, and just plain dropping by... jajajjaja It's been funny in a satirical way of thinking...
Kind of like when Homer says: Tragedy is funny when it happens to other people, except it was happening to us... jajajajaj HOWEVER, our incredible sense of humor has kept us from becoming unhappy...
We even had a point system for our jokes... I know, it sounds stupid, but maybe that kept us humane...
We survived rejections and patronizing assholes, that think they are above everyone else, just because they have been involved with movies... oh wow... who cares...
In our eyes, these people have lost touch with the world, and only care about $$$$, or maybe they receive so much really bad movies from aspiring actors, directors, etc., that it's necessary for them to reject everyone... We just want to scream LOOK AT WHAT WE'VE GOT!
HOWEVER everything can change with ONE phone call... and it did.
We were set to returning to our beloved homeland yesterday (Saturday) I'd already missed my 10th year anniversary (Gaby I love you), the spurs championship (YAY!!!) and father's day...
On friday I got someone at a high level production company returned my phone call, and was interested in seeing the movie... we dropped it off excitedly, and this individual seemed enthused to view it...
Apart from that we had even more luck... We were about to be reffered by one of the best film directors in the world to one of the best agents in the world...
I honestly do not know what is going to happen from now on... but if even if nothing comes of this, we are at least in the game, and people know that we exist... I am just incredibly ready and prepared for anything... we'll see...
to be continued...
Happy belated Birthdays to:
Luana (my sis) June 4 (one of the saddest days of my life... jajajaja just kidding sis' love you...)
Chicken- June 11... he was living the real hollywood life, driniking with the spurs 36mafia and eva mendez... yeeeeeeaaaaahhhh....
"You get busy living or you get busy dying"
Pinche rick! mucha suerte allá en LA con la movie!... whatever you need, whenever you need it!
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.
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