Monday, November 26, 2007

Ash on TV (again)

Happy to report that the segment containing our interview with American Latino TV will re-run the first weekend of December... Check your local listings!
The show is nationwide (US) and covers the positive aspects that latinos are achieving in the United States and throughout the world.
Special thanks to Renzo and Wilton for covering the story.

When & Where to Watch:

San Antonio WOAI/ NBC 4 Saturday @ 12 Noon

New York WWOR/ My 9 Sundays @ 4:00 PM

Los Angeles KABC/ ABC 7 Late Night Saturdays @ 1 AM and Sundays @ 4 PM (please check local listings as well)

We are currently seeking distribution options for ASH WEDNESDAY: CAPITULO UNUS AND we are writing the script to our next project which will be something that will be risky but very challenging.
Stay tuned.


Pete Bauer said...

I've been following your blog for some time and am excited to see the growing success of your film. I am wondering, if you are seeking distribution, who is making the film available for TV broadcast?

Keep up the good work!

Diseño Noroeste said...
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