Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Writing and experiences

We've been quite busy writing and generating ideas...
On my part, I've got my own way of writing and it might be quite interesting for someone preparing to make a movie or is interested in penning a script.

First of all, there is no ONE way of writing a script, so that being said, I have discovered (over the years) my own way of writing.

I find it very difficult to write a script without support materials, I cannot just "write" from page one and go from there... instead... what I do, is gather a sh**tload of support material.

Support Material
This is the basis of my scripts, and that is what I am finishing up right now...
Of course that my strongest support material is my own experiences, and that is why it is so hard to write when you're inexperienced. Not young, just inexperienced. That's why you see a young and successful eminem hit the charts because he has a lot of "experience" in life and channels it through music, so really what counts here are your experiences in life that count.

Also, whenever I talk to people, or read the news, or whatever I'm always on the lookout on something that makes me "feel" something... for example, if someone tells me an incredible funny anecdote or joke, I will jot it down and put it in my notes, or if I see a very interesting newspiece that can be part of the script I jot it down and put it in my notes...

In my notes I gather a bunch of stuff, and somewhere in the process I define my characters in the script, and from there I blend my notes with my characters and try to come up with something incredibly interesting.

I have been doing this since writing Ash and Escape, and it has worked out really good... I think that our stories rely heavily on the plot twists and surprises, because that's what I like about my favorite movies...

Check out if this method of screenwriting works for you... but if you come up with something different just let me know in the comments... :-D

Oh and before I leave on my binge-indulging weekend I leave you with a plethora of quotes that for some reason I liked a LOT!

El Guapo: Would you say I have a plethora of piñatas?
Jefe: A what?
El Guapo: A *plethora*.
Jefe: Oh yes, you have a plethora.
El Guapo: Jefe, what is a plethora?
Jefe: Why, El Guapo?
El Guapo: Well, you told me I have a plethora. And I just would like to know if you know what a plethora is. I would not like to think that a person would tell someone he has a plethora, and then find out that that person has *no idea* what it means to have a plethora.
Jefe: Forgive me, El Guapo. I know that I, Jefe, do not have your superior intellect and education. But could it be that once again, you are angry at something else, and are looking to take it out on me?

jajajajaj here's the quotes:
"Dont try to be original, just try to be good" -Paul Rand

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life" -Confucius

"A product is perfected, NOT when you can add anything else to it, but when you can no longer take anything away." - Yvon Chouinard

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The true un-hollywood story

Our vision for making our movies has been (boring for outsiders looking in, of course) a sh**load of fun for us, because we do what we love...
This past weekend they aired a special report about Ash Wednesday on national TV (thanks to Renz and Wilton and the crew at American Latino TV), and I really wanted to stop everything and thank everyone that has made what we love to do, even more lovable and fun...
First of all to all the actors and actresses... there's too many to mention... but you all know how much you guys mean to us...

Also to the people who have worked endlessly and unselfishly, to the producers and associate producers of ASH, the ones who make it happen... in no specific order: Paco, Chicken, Roger, Hector and Alonso... Because of these people, I don't even know if I make a film because I want to be with these guys or because of filmmaking itself... my family is also a huge contributor to all of our projects, so a HUGE thanks as well...

And to all the people who have helped us along the way (musicians, car dealers, restraunts, bars, temp crew, etc....)... again there's tooooooooooo many to mention but trust me, the list is on the credits of ASH and EL ESCAPE...

Thanks again to everyone!

PS: There are several scripts being written right now, so we hopefully plan to start shooting a new film in spring 2008 (?) ... Nothing is set in stone, but we are anxious to film. :-)

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Torture scene

Well, I wasn't going to post this scene because of its controversial nature, but it's OUR movie!!
AND it is my favorite scene of all, and not because of the violence, but because, there's alot of things going on in the scene that aren't obvious unless you've seen the movie...

Delso , the rogue DEA agent finally gets revenge upon the killer of his partner (whom was tortured and murdered by the killer)... so his vengeance is merciless, HOWEVER he does it to get closer to the source of the evil crime gang, Ash Wednesday.

The music is incredible and the photography is cool too ;-D

A familiar EL ESCAPE face pops up here, and it is none other than Lic. Rolando Tamayo making a short but memorable cameo in Ash... But we are glad to report that he will be involved more in our next film which will hopefully begin shooting next year.

Tamayo (who plays Delso's ex-partner Nestor Pragas) was shot in the last days of winter in early 2007!!! It was frickin' cold and he was wearing nothing but his undies... but he withstood the climate and gave us a chilling scene... yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!

The music was made by piano-extraodinairre Rolando Garza Rodriguez... beautiful music!!!